

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Terms in the Internet

1.     Terms in the Internet
 In order to make it easier for you to surf in the Internet, you need to understand some common terms. Some terms have been discussed earlier, some are discussed in the following.

a.       HTML
HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language, is codes or instructions used to create a web page. Thus, each page in a website consists of a HTML (.htm) file. To display it, you need a browser .

b.      Search Engine
Based on meaning of the words, search is to find, and engine is a machine. The term search engine thus can be defined as a searching machine. In this context, search engine is an application program in a certain website that you use to search for information in the Internet. Search engine will be discussed in detail in the next section.

c.        URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
A location can be accessed if you know the address. So, if you want to enter a site you must know the website address. Determining an address cannot be done randomly, but using a certain way. How to determine a website address? To name a website address, a system named URL is used. Therefore, an URL address is an address of a web page.

d.      Website
A website is composed of layers of web pages that have mutual dependability. It is often called as a site, web site, or portal.

e.       Homepage
Homepage is the main web page in a website. It usually contains introductory information like welcome note, a short summary of the website content and some notes on other important parts. Homepage is frequently used in private websites, which is called ”home”.

f.       Hypertext link  (Hyperlink )
Link connects a text, figure or button in a web page to another web page or file. Link in web pages is written in different color and the text is usually underlined. To know whether a text is a link or not, bring the mouse pointer to the text. If the mouse pointer changes (usually represented by a palm symbol), the text is a link.

g.       Login
Login is the process to enter a system (application) such as email. In this context, login is the process when you enter user_id and password before opening your email inbox. Some web pages in The Internet can only be accessed by those having authority.  The process of checking authority is done by entering the user_id and password.

h.      Logout
Logout is the reverse of login i.e. a process of leaving a web page. It can only be done by those having authority of logout by pressing the logout button or link in a web page. Logout is needed so that other people cannot access the page. 

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