

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Website Address

Website Address
Each website in the Internet has a certain address. A website address usually has connection to the respective institution or organization owning it. For example, is a website that belongs to Ministry of National Education, that belongs to BCA Bank, that belongs to Kompas Daily, and  etc. Some websites are named in line with the purpose or information displayed in the website like, which  is a website that saves song lyrics.
A website name is a combination of protocol which is used, name, host, and domain name. Domain name might consist of companies or website names as well as codes that explain the origin and type of organization of the website  owner. In order that a website is recognized easily, a website address is named with a domain, i.e. alphabets added after the website name. Besides, you can see the directory name and file name in the web address bar. Look at the following website address.
The URL address above can be explained in the following.
a.      Protocol used: http
b.      Host computer name:www
c.       Second-level domain name: kemdiknas
d.      Top-level domain name: (government in Indonesia)
e.       Directory name: tenaga-pendidik
f.        File name: guru.aspx

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